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Frances Breden & RA Walden: “Presents:2023” / 13.9., 17:00 / HAU4 / Premiere

Frances Breden & RA Walden: “Presents:2023” 13.9., 17:00 / HAU4 / Premiere / Subsequently available in the HAUthek until 17.9.

Performance does not require a non-disabled or physically present body. This is demonstrated by the online exhibition "PRESENTS:2023", in which video works by 13 sick, disabled, deaf and caring artists expand the understanding of performing art. On the digital stage HAU4 and in the journal of Berlin Art Week, curators Frances Breden and RA Walden bring together works that are physical, immediate and in the here and now, without forcing the body to conform to the ableist norms of art making. In addition to the video works, each artist has developed tasks with "performative scores" that viewers can perform themselves in their own homes.

As part of the Berlin Art Week 2023


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